Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If it can be climbed...it will be climbed!

John Wesley is climbing everything, and then of course he looks at you like "Why did you let me do this?" when he falls...oh my little dare devil! So cute!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday before Easter Sunday

Today was John Wesley's first experience hunting Easter Eggs. We had so much fun. At first he didn't know what to do. He would take the eggs out of the basket when we were trying to teach him how to put them in. Later, he started getting the idea. I think he had more fun watching the older kids find them...too much to look at, and he so desperately wanted to be like them. We kept trying to hold him up and help him walk, but he was determined to try on his own, but obviously couldn't even stand alone, he tried so hard...

He also loved the Easter Bunny and didn't even cry! He actually thought he was pretty funny, while some of the other kids cried. He drank Hawaiian Punch, and ate a sugar cookie for snack time.

He was so exhausted from all the playing, he went to bed early and was pretty eager to lay down. Looking forward to tomorrow. Can't wait to see him at church in his little Easter outfit that his Gee Gee got him.

Hope everyone has a good Easter!