Wednesday, February 10, 2010

9 Months old!!!

WE CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JOHN WESLEY IS 9 MONTHS OLD! He is getting so big, and has such a sweet personality. He is so much like his Daddy, and loves cars....but is like his Mama because he loves music and reading! These 9 months have flown by, and we can hardly believe he is big enough to pull up and push around toys...he is so funny and we often hear him humming to himself. Who would have thought this little bundle of joy we brought home from the hospital would cause us to redecorate so much...we have broken 1 lamp, torn several magazines and books, learned how to take the toilet paper roll off the holder, can open and shut doors, and climb on top of suitcases just to pull on the drapes...who would have thought? Being parents is such a joy, and we can't imagine life any different, nor would we want it to is the hardest thing to do, but the most wonderful and rewarding thing to experience. We are so proud of John Wesley, and are excited to watch him grow, and look forward to another great 9 months!

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