Blogging with the Beavers
Kevin, Ashley & John Wesley
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I am so excited about halloween coming up. I ordered John Wesley, Kevin's, and my costume. Yes, Kevin and I are dressing up and going to a couples halloween costume party. I ordered my costume from ! We are going as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf...should be interesting. John Wesley will be going on a hayride and trick-or-treating this year, it should be fun. He is going to be a fisherman! I am looking forward to posting pictures soon. Kevin and I will also be having our 9 YEAR Anniversary since we first met Oct.31st. We met at a Halloween Party back in college. I dressed up that year as Sandy from Grease. I can't believe we have been together for so long, it has been AMAZING! Happy Halloween!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My Sick Baby...
Well, we have had a busy week. I went to a funeral for a friend's dad in Tybee, and came home to John Wesley running a fever. We really thought he was teething again, but noticed he wasn't really chewing on things as he had before. Wednesday night his fever shot up to 103.6, so Kevin and I took him to an afterhours clinic. The practitioner didn't really know if it was a virus or an ear infection, but recommended for us to see his doctor the next day. Meeting with John Wesley's doctor confirmed that it was a virus, but he had no other symptoms except for poor appetite. The fever was managed by ibpro. and tylenol. This morning when going to change his diaper I noticed he had a bad rash, and several whelps on his butt and ankles. The POWER OF CELL PHONES...we texted a picture to John Wesley's doctor, per his request, and we confirmed that he has Roseola. We are giving him benadryl and hopefully the rash will be gone in a few days.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Lots To Talk About...
Well, June and July has been a busy month. I bought a new vehicle, Chevy Traverse, my Honda was dying...and I can't argue, I really needed extra space. We went to Charleston for my cousin Corey's wedding, and it was absolutely beautiful. John Wesley got to go on a horse and buggy tour of Charleston and loved it, he enjoyed petting the horses, and never cried the whole time on the tour! We also took John Wesley swimming for the first time in a big pool. He was not the least bit afraid, and loved the water. Getting him out was a problem, he cried so hard not wanting to leave. I felt so bad, but I am glad that he is not afraid of the to just teach him to swim one day. John Wesley is also learning "No!" he is definetly trying to see what he can get away with lately. He climbs everything, and will smile and run back to reclimb it again just to see if you will correct him. When you go to him he runs away laughing, he thinks it is a big game...therefore, we have enforced his Bumbo to a timeout seat! We are hoping this will eventually work. John Wesley this month has learned to point and say "Ears, Eyes, Nose, Tongue, Bellybutton, and Chicken." He loves to talk and about 50% of the time we don't know what he says but we somehow understand what he is telling us....
John Wesley also had his first haircut this past month. He was such a big boy and so independent. He wanted to sit in the chair all by himself and kept laughing looking in the mirror. He looks so much a like a big boy now, but he still has curls!
This week John Wesley had his friend, Carson, over to play. They were so sweet together and enjoyed playing with the ball and blocks. He is certainly so much fun, I love this stage...such personality...and he is looking more and more like his daddy...but I can't complain! Hope everyone is doing well, we love you!
John Wesley also had his first haircut this past month. He was such a big boy and so independent. He wanted to sit in the chair all by himself and kept laughing looking in the mirror. He looks so much a like a big boy now, but he still has curls!
This week John Wesley had his friend, Carson, over to play. They were so sweet together and enjoyed playing with the ball and blocks. He is certainly so much fun, I love this stage...such personality...and he is looking more and more like his daddy...but I can't complain! Hope everyone is doing well, we love you!
Friday, June 25, 2010
John Wesley's First Haircut~June 25,2010
Hey Everyone~ Boy has it been a while since I have updated our blog. So much going on...
Last week I went to Athens, Ga and got back last night from an Autism Conference. I learned so many valuable tools to use in my classroom that will work a wide variety of children...including Austistic children. I also bought a new car (Chevrolet Traverse), a much needed purchase! We needed more room than the Honda, and we were beginning to have a lot of problems with it...including a bad transmission. The new vehicle has a DVD system, which John Wesley will like while traveling to Charleston next week.
Going to Athens was my first trip away from John Wesley without Kevin around to encourage me he was fine...I did okay, but boy was I glad to see him when I got home, and he was so excited. After being gone for 4 days, I realized how long and curly his hair had gotten, so Kevin and I decided to make an appointment today to get it cut. He did so well, and even wanted to sit in the chair alone! He never cried, and was laughing and having a great time watching himself in the mirror. He looks so much better, and I can't believe how much he is growing up.
John Wesley is now saying a few phrases (that's my mama, thank you, night daddy, more, what's that, cross, and so many other little words). He amazes us daily! We no longer walk anywhere, John Wesley is running wide open, and climbs everything! We hope everyone is doing well, and hopefully we will post more pictures again soon! Love Y'all!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
John Wesley's 1st Birthday

Well, I never thought the day would come, but John Wesley is actually 1 year old. My this year has flown by...
We had quite an eventful day! Aunt Jo Jo drove down on Friday and helped me decorate for the big day, and Aunt Kerry came over to help make John Wesley's birthday cake. The theme was BUGS...
John Wesley's cake was a catepillar. Kevin and I bought a nice sandbox and hid plastic bugs in the sand for the little ones to find. I bought bug boxes, and handpainted little bugs on the front of each box, and each child took one home with the bugs they found of course. All the little ones also got to take home a bug book. In the back yard, I had big bounce balls, which were linked together to form a giant catepillar in the backyard, and each child also took home a giant bounce ball. There were clay pots on the tables filled with Oreo's, which looked like dirt, and gummy worms crawling out of the pots.
The kids had so much fun, and John Wesley loved eating his first birthday cake, which he was covered from head to toe in Red Icing! Kevin and I had a blast and it was so special to have all our friends and family there to celebrate such a special day with us. I couldn't ask for a better 1st birthday for John Wesley.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Saturday before Easter Sunday
Today was John Wesley's first experience hunting Easter Eggs. We had so much fun. At first he didn't know what to do. He would take the eggs out of the basket when we were trying to teach him how to put them in. Later, he started getting the idea. I think he had more fun watching the older kids find them...too much to look at, and he so desperately wanted to be like them. We kept trying to hold him up and help him walk, but he was determined to try on his own, but obviously couldn't even stand alone, he tried so hard...
He also loved the Easter Bunny and didn't even cry! He actually thought he was pretty funny, while some of the other kids cried. He drank Hawaiian Punch, and ate a sugar cookie for snack time.
He was so exhausted from all the playing, he went to bed early and was pretty eager to lay down. Looking forward to tomorrow. Can't wait to see him at church in his little Easter outfit that his Gee Gee got him.
Hope everyone has a good Easter!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Nearing 11 Months Old...
Can't believe it has almost been a year since John Wesley was born! Last Weekend we went to Lanett, Al. to visit Uncle Lafayette, Mamie, Thomas, Ellen, Catherine, John Thomas, Steve, Tracy, Courtney, and Sam. We had so much fun. Gee Gee, Grandad, Seth, and Jordan also came; so, it was nice to visit with everyone. Uncle Lafayette was honored by the United Methodist Men at church, and recieved a very nice plaque with his picture on it to remind others of the dedication and hard work we should have for our church and for Christ. What a great example he is to other Christians. We also went through some old family photos, and had many good laughs over times past. In the meantime, John Wesley and John Thomas played together for the first time. They haven't seen one another since Jordan and Seth's Wedding and John Wesley was 2 weeks old. John Wesley and John Thomas enjoyed being together and had a lot to say to one another even though we didn't understand everything they were talking about...haha. Here are a few photos of them playing...I am sure they will both get into trouble when they get a little bigger, both of them were into everything! Thank goodness Mamie, Uncle Lafayette, and Thomas were a good sport about them being so curious.
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